Saturday, 13 March 2010

radosti življenja

is life really all about fighting for existence rather than just enjoying the freedom of it? why can't i have this magic wand or a button to press on, when i'm 'out of balance' ? why do i constantly fight and struggle with myself, with people around me? is all this really necesary in order to survive? i think not! i think life should be enjoyed, the problem is that i probably wasn't paying attention when they were teaching me how to do it and now i have to bare the consequences. what do you think? cause i don't know what to do anymore...i'm tired of everything. tired of this constant struggle and the only one that seems to be suffering in this story is me? shit, that was the most patethic sentence i've heard! hahaha, i have to admit i sometimes find myself THE tragic character of the story. you know like those characters in those romantic books...OMG! how patethic! i was talking to Špela today and she had this genius can not be translated, but she said why can't i just have a giant ŠAMAR ROKA so that i could slap someone with it when i'd feel like it! of course that someone is a particular person which i would rather not mention, to avoid any problems in future.

anyways my dear is not the best day for thoughts like this, since my hormones and my yesterdays activities (drinking and stuff) are messing with my balanced or should i rather say UNbalanced let that one depressing moment i've already had in the afternoon be enough for today and from now on it's only VIVA POSITIVA! i'll try to dance my troubles about that? let's visit Tetkine radosti, what can be more joyfull than some of that good old 70's funk with groovy people and dancing feet...

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