Monday 14 May 2007

social handicap

i have to admit it, even if don't like the fact that it's true. this is what happened... i forgot my mobile phone at home, so i was without it for 24 hours until today. and it was a total social handicap. i felt i was cut from the world. comunications are indeed becoming or better said are already so important that to me it seems i'm misiing something if i don't carry my mobile phone with me or check my email and other personal sites for couple of days. my boyfriend don't like internet so much so he's always joking that i'm an addict... maybe i am, maybe i was already sucked into this information society that is based on accesibility and all sorts of usefull and unusefull informations, among which we have to choose to pick out the ones that determine us, our knowledge, free time, social network...

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