Tuesday 5 August 2008

love or how did i discover hot water

i know i'm supossed to be on vacations, avoiding all this internet s***, but there are really no rules on how vacations should be spend, and if i find certain joy in writing my thoughts down, and if it's on internet..why shouldn't i. i've always been kinda rebelious, so here i am in this wilderness almost in the middle of nowhere with my laptop, writing my blog in this late afternoon.
sun is slowly getting down, the heat is becoming bareable so i can actually breathe normaly, water is my main ingredient that floats down my throat, and i can't think of anything else but how much i wanna be with him. i'm here for 2 days now and i already (or still) miss him.
thanks god for modern technology so that i can at least hear his voice on skype. yesterday we had really nice conversation, i feel that i can talk to him about anything, and tell him just about anything that comes to my mind. i don't know if it's just me that changed since my last relationship, but i'm sure it's also him that makes me feel this way. yesterday before i feel asleep i was thinking about all of this and i kinda realised that what i feel now is this pure essence of love. i think...what else could make me feel so euphoric and calm at the same time, and make me wanna spend all my time with him and tell him about every little and stupid thing that happens to me.

but here i am, spreading all this 'smart' theories about what i feel...when they have been already told.
an i'll tell you another theory, always give a tittle of the post on the end cause you never know what sh** will come out on the end... =)

maria estava chorando,

porque seu amor foi embora,

maria estava chorando,

porque seu amor foi embora,

foi la pra beira do cais,

jogar capoeira de angola...

only that this time it's the opposite...
he stayed and i went to the beira do cais ;)

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