Tuesday, 27 March 2007

o meu brasil, terra boa

lately i keep discovering i idealise people and places. i guess i believe world is a nice and good place. and it can be. why should i be all miserable if nothing is always right.. and believe me i know also the bad side of it. but no, I DO believe in good. and i always go back to it.
why did i start to write about this? i was just watching a movie called Turistas. it's about american tourists in Brasil. Brasil is for me terra promitida ( promise land)... but it's not really all that shinny and glamorous i know. but if you look at things this way..well, we better not move, otherwise we might get hit by bus!! i don't like the idea that when i go to brasil, something dangerous might happen to me. i didn't like aspect of that brasil that was shown in the movie. but then again i also don't like tourists that travel places and act like tourists. hehe, if you know what i mean!
anyways... i do idealise things, but don't let that fool you... inside this little head of mine, there are some very grounded and realistic brains.

and before i lose myself in my phylosophic moments... i have to tell you the best thing that happened to me yesterday. again it was one of those glorious moments when i managed to do a new capoeira move! weeee.... =) =) =)
i was proud of myself, again!

rise people, rise... vida esta boa quando voces querem!

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