Saturday, 5 January 2008

what the BLEEP do we know????

hei! it's me , you know... the blabering me, that always talks about herself and stuff? =) well, imagine this..i'm gonna write another one of my amusing blog that all of you who don't read my blog, will be missing one hell of a reading! lol
but no, seriously...i am going to write about myself. but the funny thing is... that we are all connected you know. so i actually talk about everyone and everything, when i talk about myself. it's just that probably your perception is so much different from mine, that it is hard to imagine i'm talking about the same world.
i'm just watching this movie called what the bleep do we know. it talks about all this stuff. sometimes it's even too much, cause there are all this scientist blaberring about quantum physics and all stuff i don't quite understand but nevertheless, you have to be openned to this kinda things if you want to understand them. i look at it from this perspective. even if i don't understand every word of it, i'm sure i can understand it in some other vibrational level as they say. because maybe i don't know the exact scientific word for something, but i can feel it in a way and understand it, accept it. uh, it's quite hard to explain what i'm trying to say here, but this is as simple as i know how to.
i was thinking about what effect the drugs have on our mind... you know all those crazy mushrooms and other halucinogene stuff... do you think all that Alice in wonderland story that shows in front of your eyes is simply the drug effect, or is it the usual world around us, that we are just unable to percieve at our level of consciousness?
do you understand me? i mean if there are like 4 bilion something of information coming to our head and we are able only to percieve and progress like the quantity of 2000 where does that leave us? we basicly are retarded!? lol..i mean just imagine all the stuff that is going on around us and we are just unable to accept , cause it would obvioulsy be too much for our little heads!..omg!!!!

that's something to think about... and i'm sure that if you are a curious person, and if you want to explore all the depths of our mind.. you should start by openning yourself to the world.

let the energy flow...

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