Friday, 11 April 2008


i'm tired. that's it, i'm just simply tired as hell! but i feel good, enormously good! i am not only adicted to capoeira itself, but all that it brings along. the people! how amazing..i'm just so blessed with all this great people that i met there and just can't seem to believe it. there have been many moments when i captured that true meanning of happines and vibrating with the world. it can not be explained to someone who has never felt that way. but believe me, it's a damn good feeling!

today we played great roda. the energy was excellent. i entered several times and played okay. but on the end it was not all good. for the first time i was seriously hit by one of capoeristas. it was NOT intentionaly i know, but it hurted. Gurghulio kicked me into my plexus. if i didn't know wxactly here my plexus was, thanks to him now i know! lol...
i mean i'll survive and all..but it was kinda of a shock to me so i had to put it out now and talk about it. and now i understand all those fighters even less. why on earth would you go and train something that always makes you hurt?? i've never understood that.

anyways,my trainnings with kids were also nice. even though the first one was not the best one i had. but just hearing your other capoerista friends telling you, you're a good teacher makes me feel better. i want to be a good capoerista in every aspect, not just to play well you know.
i think it's good for me to be modest as i am, cause that way i'll always try to gain more and try harder. and me myself i think people see me as good capoerista because i really live this art inside of me, it has a great affect on my life. i believe i can learn something from everyone, even from the one that just started capoeira.

okay, okay i'll stop with this capoeira obsession i know what some people think..get a life girl!
haha, this is my life...

and just before i end todays blabbering... today is Sabins birthday. i just wanted to say that. the rest of it.. some other time ;)

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