Sunday 4 April 2010

i love it, how same things can be said and explained in so many different way. and how our mind is explicitly unique. why am i saying this. well, the other day i was watching the movie Malice in wonderland and it made me think. and on the end i've came up with a rather interesting conlusion. the point of the movie was trying to make you re-think who we truly are and what determines us. are we made out of previous events and experiences we've lived in our lives or what it truly matters is here an now in no connection to what was before. if we would lose our memory right now, who would we be? would we be anyone? what would determine us as person, individual? would we even know how to live without all that "baggage" of past we usually carry with us? isn't it scary in a way? to think that all we've lived until now, could easily dissapear and make us question our existence, meanning not knowing who we are, what we like, what we hate, what makes us happy, sad, what is our passion, what we love. and yet, isn't it wonderful to think that without all that baggage we can truly be free and liberated of our boxes and we are forced to think outside of a box, because the box does not exist. i'm thinking if that's the point that all those spiritual book are always trying to tell you and teach you. that only thing that really matters is here and now without the past and future. so you see, the same thing that was told to me hundreds of times before, came tomy understanding with one simple movie that i didn't even want to see on the first place. and it was all clear to me. woala...

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