Thursday, 20 September 2007

the conspiracy theory

okay, i'm officially starting to freak out on this thing. i mean i'm not scared, cause fear is what makes us vulnerable.. but the fact that someone is playing with our lives is not the most comfortable one. i mean i was always found of the idea that WE are the makers of our own lives.. but according to some stuff i read, it is not so! my sister is laughing at me for being naive.. but i just want to explore what the hell is going on. i mean i know a lot of people maybe never even heard that there is a possibility of a great conspiracy, and that's bad. i know we all want to feel safe and cousy.. but hey, don't be so easy and think before you do something. do you really want it or does somebody else wants it and you are doing it in order to be what people think of you. i'm gonna quote David Icke who said "Only a few can control the world, because we've conceded our right to be who we are to somebody else." cause we are captured inside our little society bubble and we have this rules to which we live up to, no knowing why are they good for us, or who made them up. and somebody outside this bubble is controling all this. i just wanted to say, that we don't have to be afraid of what others think of us, we should let others be what they are and accept them, and even though we have different opinion with someone, we should let him tell his, and us having our own.. but yet be friends and respect each other. and you might wanna check on this:
david icke interwiew

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