Tuesday, 18 September 2007

feel it, listen to yourself

Čustvena inteligentnost zajema sposobnosti kot so: prepoznavanje svojih čustvenih potreb in omejitev, vzpodbujanje sebe in kljubovanje frustracijam, nadziranje vzgibov in odlaganje z zadovoljitvijo, obvladovanje razpoloženja in sproščanje stisk, ki zavirajo sposobnost razmišljanja, vživljanje v čustva drugih, upanje, razvoj sočutja itd. Čustvena inteligenca je preprosto povedano inteligentna uporaba čustev.

Čustveno inteligentna oseba ves čas ve, kaj čuti, in zna to tudi izraziti ob pravem času na prav način, pa čeprav so njena čustva "neprijetna". To ji ne omogoča le boljšega poznavanja in razumevanja svojih čustvenih potreb, temveč tudi čustvenih potreb drugih. Laže premaguje spore, zna se vživljati v druge, optimizem in pozitivna naravnanost pa jo delata močnejšo in bolj samozavestno. Čustvena inteligenca je preprosto povedano inteligentna uporaba čustev.

Inteligenco naših čustev je po mnenju mnogih strokovnjakov kar je 80 odstotkov uspeha in lahko jo razvijamo in izpopolnjujemo skozi celo življenje, v nasprotju z IQjem, ki je prirojen.


it's a very important part of our lives, but i have the feeling that a lot of people never even heard about it! how can that be, i mean we are after all beings with emotions and feelings, and yet we neglect that fact often. if we are aware that there is something like emotional inteligence... we try to explore in order to understand ourselves. that is what we are doing our whole lives anyway. getting to know each other but mostly getting to understand uselves.

and in this modern times, people should not be anymore repressed by society as we see too often. the society isn't always right, even though WE are the society. boys don't cry, don't show your emotions in order to hide your true vulnerability, respect everyone around but yourself, the man is the head of the family, etc.
stuff like that often tells us how we should react to certain situations and how to feel. but you can't just tell a man ho to feel. because of that we had forgotten to listen to ourselves. i work with people in their middle age, students and children when i teach capoeira... and you know which is the most important thing we tell them? breathe, listen to your body and do what your body can do, pressure it as far as you can, but not too much. cause people are deaf for their bodies, they lost contact.

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